Saturday, March 15, 2008

Universal Declaration of Fascist Rights

Human rights – ah, what a wonderful concept! If you like the Western ideas about human rights – the ones found in the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence – you’ll love the Arab Charter on Human Rights, especially because it is about to be adopted as official policy by the United Nations.

Take this sentence for example, right there in paragraph 5 of the introduction:

“Rejecting all forms of racism and Zionism, which constitute a violation of human rights and a threat to international peace and security..."

But not to worry, the Arab states have all agreed to:

“To place human rights at the centre of the key national concerns of Arab States, making them lofty and fundamental ideals that shape the will of the individual in Arab States and enable him to improve his life in accordance with noble human values.” [1,1]

Well, that’s a relief. I really like that part about “noble human values”. What might those be?

‘All peoples have the right to national sovereignty and territorial integrity.” [1,2]

Sounds good, no? We could really go for that. But …

“All forms of racism, Zionism and foreign occupation and domination constitute an impediment to human dignity and a major barrier to the exercise of the fundamental rights of peoples; all such practices must be condemned and efforts must be deployed for their elimination.” [1,3]

We all know what “elimination” means. Ask Adolf if you’ve forgotten.

And let’s not forget the fundamental human right to blow people up and behead them, practice polygamy and Female Genital Mutilation, protect the family by “honor killings”, stone rape victims, chop off the hands of thieves, and, most important of all, to videotape the noble exercise of Arab human rights.

“All peoples have the right to resist foreign occupation.”

Now, before you catch a nasty case of Islamophobia, check out this:

“Men and women are equal in respect of human dignity, rights and obligations within the framework of the positive discrimination established in favour of women by the Islamic Shariah, other divine laws and by applicable laws and legal instruments. Accordingly, each State party pledges to take all the requisite measures to guarantee equal opportunities and effective equality between men and women in the enjoyment of all the rights set out in this Charter.” [3,3]

I really am impressed by the 1984-style Newspeak here, the way familiar words take on exactly the opposite meaning. First of all, what does an Arab Charter on Human Rights have to do with Islam and Shariah? Are all Arabs automatically Muslims? Well, if they aren’t yet, the jihadis are already out there in Lebanon, Israel, Iraq and the Palestinian-administered (there’s an oxymoron for you – “Palestinian” and “administered”) hard at work blowing people up to make sure it is true real soon now.

What about this lovely phrase “positive discrimination”? It doesn’t mean “affirmative action”, that’s for sure. It means a lot of religiously-sanctioned negative action, like shooting women who don’t cover themselves up in public from head-to-ground (as in Iran by the government and in Iraq by jihadi vigilantes). It means denying non-Muslims jobs, education and even cemeteries (Iran again, as well as Malaysia, Indonesia and a few other places).

As for “effective equality”, this means, among other lofty concepts, no jail time for brothers who murder their twelve year old sisters who “dishonor” the family by refusing to marry sixty year old Uncle Ahmed.

Did you know that, as late as the early 20th century, Jews in Iran were not allowed to go out during the rain because the rainwater would become “unpure” when it landed on them and then good Muslims would be unable to drink it from the wells. That’s what “positive discrimination” and “effective equality” mean.

There’s a lot more, and you can read the whole pathetic document at

And it is not one bit surprising that the United Nations is planning to adopt this Declaration of Fascist Rights as an official document, thus excusing all Arab states from complying with the UN’s own Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Another double standard favoring Islamic supremacism: dictatorship, oppression of women and no freedom of speech or press or anything else for Muslims, and democracy, equality for women and basic freedoms for everybody else, but only temporarily -- until the Islamic jihad overtakes us all.

The Audacity of Dopes

Hillary Clinton wants you to vote for her because of how good things were the last time she was President. John McCain wants you to vote for him because he is a genuine war hero.

And Barack Obama wants you to vote for him because he will bring “hope and change” into your life.

Why is it that laundry detergent commercials treat their viewers like intelligent people who can make reasoned decisions, but politicians, who are after all talking about issues slightly more serious than the mud stains on little Jimmy’s favorite Elmo T-shirt, treat voters as though they can’t understand a sentence with more than three words in it?

How stupid do these guys think voters are?

Did Obama really think nobody would notice the people he hangs around with? That his spiritual leader, that “cranky old uncle” of a pastor, is a rabid hate-monger racist who thinks that Louis Farrakhan is a role model for young people and that America got what it deserved on September 11th? That no one would care that Obama has been at this church with this pastor for over twenty years, that he was married in this church by this pastor, that his children go to Sunday School in this church, that he asked for this pastor’s blessing before he decided to run for President, and that he donated $22,500 to the church in 2006? No sane person would listen to the race-baiting Reverend Wright for five minutes without walking out but Obama has been listening to him for more than twenty years, and he and his family are still listening.

Did Obama really think that nobody would wonder how it was that he had no problems buying land at a very favorable price from Tony Rezko, who he knew was under investigation by the U.S. attorney’s office and who has since been indicted for allegedly trying to collect nearly $6 million in kickbacks from government deals and trying to shake down a Hollywood producer for $1.5 million in campaign contributions. Obama and Rezko have been friends since 1990, and Rezko raised as much as $60,000 in campaign contributions for Obama. Why did the candidate of “hope and change” accept campaign contributions from Rezko and some of the other shady figures in the case?

Did Obama think nobody would ever wonder how an unknown, unheard-of, inexperienced minor politician could go in only three years ago from the Illinois Senate to the Democratic front-runner in the Presidential race? That nobody would ask who helped him along the way and why?

Did Obama think nobody would notice that among the $740 million of earmarks he requested, in only 3 years (!) in the US Senate, was $1 million for the hospital where his wife Michelle works, at about just the time she was promoted to VP (at a salary of over $300,000 a year), just about the time she finally decided she could be proud to be an American? That Obama cynically switched positions and voted for reforming the earmark privileges he had until only yesterday been so energetically abusing. Does Obama think nobody will demand to see the list of his earmarks from his days in the Illinois Senate?

Did Obama think nobody would ever ask him to spell out what exactly he means by “hope and change”?

Every once in a while an Eliot Spitzer comes along to remind us of Lloyd George’s observation that politicians are like monkeys; the higher they climb up the tree, the more revolting are the parts they expose.

Obama is exposing his contempt for the American people, his cynical belief that they are too stupid to ask the right questions, that they will swallow whole his meaningless slogans and empty promises, and that they will vote for him for no better reason than that he makes them feel good all over.

Now there’s audacity for you, the audacity of dopes.